I am a historical anthropologist and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. I am also a founding member of Jamhoor, a movement-oriented Left magazine on South Asia and its diasporas.

For 2024-25, I’m on research leave as a Fung Global Fellow at Princeton University. Previously, I was an Agrarian Studies Fellow at Yale University, and completed my graduate training at the University of Toronto and the University of Oxford. 

My research and teaching focuses on critical political economy, decolonization, and revolutionary theory, especially in South Asia and the global South.

Currently, I am completing a book titled Theory from the Trenches, which, through the stories of peasants in Pakistan, explores how subaltern actors creatively reinvent revolutionary theory for a worldly, even other-worldly, liberation.

My research has been published in journals like Cultural Anthropology and Comparative Studies in Society and History, while my public writing has appeared in venues like The Guardian and Boston Review.